Comprehensive Legal Services

konsultan hukum jakarta

Why Corporate Legal Is Important To Your Business?

Because most of aspects in business is all about LEGAL.

Legal services as required for the smooth functioning of your business. Working with legal experts gives you confidence and an assurance that you are doing things right.

You can be assured that if anything goes wrong, you will be advised in the right manner. Having legal experts by your side also keep you away from committing any illegal work that can threaten your business.

How We Satisfy Your Legal Needs?

  1. LEGAL CONSULTATIONWe answer your daily legal issues and questions through face-to-face meeting,  phone calls or online meeting
  2. LEGAL SECRETARYWe assist you in organizing and updating the key information and legal document of your company.
  3. MANAGE LEGAL DOCUMENTSWe manage your legal documents so you can easily obtain them only by requesting us to send them.
  4. COMPLIANCE REMINDERWe will remind you of the important dates related to your company’s legal information and documentation.
  5. A – Z LEGAL services provide you with the most professional and comprehensive legal services in the corporate and dispute settlement areas.
1. Acquisition52. Legal Correspondences
2. Addendum Contract53. Legal Documents Management
3. Annual General Meeting Shareholders54. Legal Documents Summary
4. Brand Protection55. Legal Drafting
5. Business Representative56. Legal Due Diligence
6. Capital Increase57. Legal Monitoring
7. Capital Reduction58. Legal Negotiation
8. Capital Table59. Legal Opinion
9. Collective Employment Contract60. Legal Reminder
10. Commercial / Business Contract61. Legal Representative
11. Commissioner Change62. Legal Representative
12. Commissioner’s Resolution63. Legal Research
13. Company Regulation64. Legal Risk Management
14. Company Restructuring65. Legal Translation
15. Company Restructuring66. Legal Workshop / Seminar
16. Conditional Share Purchase Agreement67. Letter Of Intend
17. Confirmation Letter68. Liability Waiver Letter
18. Consolidation69. Management Stock Option Plan
19. Contract / Form Template70. Mandatory Investment Report
20. Contract Amendments71. Memorandum Of Meeting
21. Contract Drafting72. Memorandum Of Understanding
22. Contract Negotiation73. Merger
23. Contract Renewal74. Non-Compete Letter
24. Contract Review75. Non-Disclosure Agreement
25. Contract Revision76. Non-Solicitation Letter
26. Convertible Notes77. Non-Circumvention Agreement
27. Cooperation Contract78. Partnership
28. Corporate Action79. Power Of Attorneys
29. Corporate Deed80. Preliminary Agreement
30. Corporate Restructuring81. Privacy Policy
31. Corporate Secretarial82. Purchase Order
32. Director Change83. Rent Agreement
33. Director’s Resolution84. Resignation Letter
34. Disclaimers85. Respond Letter
35. Employee Agreement For A Specified Period86. Sale And Purchase Contract
36. Employee Agreement For An Indefinite Period87. Share Conversion Letter
37. Employee Stock Option Plan88. Share Offering Letter
38. Employment Contract89. Share Purchase Agreement
39. End User License Agreement90. Share Refusal Letter
40. Extraordinary General Meeting Shareholders91. Shareholder Agreement
41. Founders Agreement92. Shareholder’s Resolution
42. Integrity Pact93. Shares Transfer
43. Joint Venture94. Spin Off
44. Law & Regulation Searching95. Strategic Alliance
45. Lease Contract96. Termination Letter
46. Legal97. Termination Of Contract
47. Legal Admin98. Terms And Conditions
48. Legal Advice99. Term Sheet
49. Legal Assistance100. Umbrella Agreement
50. Legal Briefing101. Warning Letter
51. Legal Consultation

There are at least 15 situations where you may need Corporate Legal Indonesia:

Daily Legal Issue

Company Structure

Brand Protection

Employment Matters

Transaction Dealings

Document Management

Legal Compliance

Legal Correspondence

Legal Risk Management

Legal Research and Opinion

Legal Dispute

Bussiness Expansion

Contract Drafting and Review

Debt Collection

Litigation (Civil and Criminal)


Buat kamu yang punya permasalahan dengan legal bisnis yang sedang atau baru akan kamu jalani atau apapun seputar legal dan perizinan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi legalkuperizinan.

Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika Anda membutuhkan konsultan legal & bantuan hukum.

Telp: +62 818-0692-6666

